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輕鬆將航空電子 I/O 添加到計算機 PCIe 或 PCI 擴展槽
PCI Express (PCIe) 和 PCI 航空電子接口卡使計算機能夠連接各種航空電子數據總線,以測試、驗證和模擬商業和軍用航空電子設備和系統。
OmniBus II 系列接口卡
OmniBus II PCIe 卡是 Omnibus
系列的一部分,採用模塊化設計,允許您訂購結合航空電子協議的卡,非常符合您的應用要求。這些高性能卡可連接多種協議,包括 MIL-STD-1553、ARINC
429/708/717、串行和離散 I/O。
可以訂購 PCIe 或 PCI 外形尺寸的 Lx5 航空電子接口卡,並且可以使用 MIL-STD-1553 協議或 ARINC 429 和/或 ARINC
717 型號。
OmniBus II PCIe |
Lx1553-5 PCIe & PCI |
Lx429-5 PCIe & PCI |
可用協議 |
MIL-STD-1553, ARINC 429, ARINC 717, ARINC 708, Serial |
MIL-STD-1553 |
ARINC 429, ARINC 717 |
多重協議 |
Yes, accepts 2 protocol modules (2 cores) |
No |
ARINC 429 & 717 only |
Discrete I/O |
Up to 64 |
16 |
16 |
記憶體 |
64 MB memory per core (ECC) |
32 MB on-board memory |
32 MB on-board memory |
參數控制 |
Yes* |
No |
No |
計時器 |
Advanced Timing
64-bit hardware time-tag (1ns resolution)
10 MHz and PPS, frame synchronization, synchronize hardware
time-tags |
Standard Timing
48 bit, 1 µSec hardware time-tagging |
Standard Timing
48 bit, 1 µSec hardware time-tagging |
IRIG A/B input and output (AM, PWM), generate or synchronize timer,
synchronize hardware time-tags |
PCIe and PCI Interface Card Models
系列 |
描述 |
連接器 |
PCIe 型號 |
PCI 型號 |
Lx1553-5 |
1 Single-function channel |
TwinAx |
LE1553-5/1ST |
LP1553-5/1ST |
1 Single-function channel |
LFH60 |
LE1553-5/1S |
LP1553-5/1S |
1 Multi-function channel |
TwinAx |
LE1553-5/1MT |
LP1553-5/1MT |
1 Multi-function channel |
LFH60 |
LE1553-5/1M |
LP1553-5/1M |
2 Single-function channels |
LFH60 |
LE1553-5/2S |
LP1553-5/2S |
2 Multi-function channels |
LFH60 |
LE1553-5/2M |
LP1553-5/2M |
3 Single-function channels |
LFH60 |
LE1553-5/3S |
LP1553-5/3S |
3 Multi-function channels |
LFH60 |
LE1553-5/3M |
LP1553-5/3M |
4 Single-function channels |
LFH60 |
LE1553-5/4S |
LP1553-5/4S |
4 Multi-function channels |
LFH60 |
LE1553-5/4M |
LP1553-5/4M |
系列 |
描述 |
連接器 |
PCIe 型號 |
PCI 型號 |
Lx429-5 |
ARINC 429 (2R2T) |
LFH60 |
LE429-5/2R2T |
LP429-5/2R2T |
ARINC 429 (0R8T) |
LFH60 |
LE429-5/0R8T |
LP429-5/0R8T |
ARINC 429 (4R4T) |
LFH60 |
LE429-5/4R4T |
LP429-5/4R4T |
ARINC 429 (8R0T) |
LFH60 |
LE429-5/8R0T |
LP429-5/8R0T |
ARINC 429 (0R16T) |
LFH60 |
LE429-5/0R16T |
LP429-5/0R16T |
ARINC 429 (4R12T) |
LFH60 |
LE429-5/4R12T |
LP429-5/4R12T |
ARINC 429 (8R8T) |
LFH60 |
LE429-5/8R8T |
LP429-5/8R8T |
ARINC 429 (12R4T) |
LFH60 |
LE429-5/12R4T |
LP429-5/12R4T |
ARINC 429 (16R0T) |
LFH60 |
LE429-5/16R0T |
LP429-5/16R0T |
ARINC 429 (16R16T) |
LFH60 |
LE429-5/16R16T |
LP429-5/16R16T |
ARINC 429 (24R8T) |
LFH60 |
LE429-5/24R8T |
LP429-5/24R8T |
ARINC 429 (32R0T) |
LFH60 |
LE429-5/32R0T |
LP429-5/32R0T |
ARINC 429 (6R6T), ARINC 717 (2R2T) |
LFH60 |
LE429-5/6R6T/717 |
LP429-5/6R6T/717 |
ARINC 429 (14R14T), ARINC 717 (2R2T) |
LFH60 |
LE429-5/14R14T/717 |
LP429-5/14R14T/717 |
ARINC 429 (28R0T), ARINC 717 (2R2T) |
LFH60 |
LE429-5/28R0T/717 |
LP429-5/28R0T/717 |
ARINC 717 (2R2T) |
LFH60 |
LE429-5/0R0T/717 |
LP429-5/0R0T/717 |